The Bovey Tracey Ringers Can be Contacted by e-mail or by Phone

My e-mail address is

If I am at home I will normally reply within 24 hours

If you wish to visit then bands are always welcome for outings and quarter peals - the Church is in a built up area and the bells are loud outside side so by agreement with our neighbours we do not ring after 8.30 pm. Unfortunatley we can not allow Peal attempts on the bells other than in rare and exceptional circumstances.

Our Practice night is Modays from 7.00 to 8.30 pm normally follwoed by libations in the Bell Inn down the Road, all are made welcome.


Parish Website

Moorland Ringers Website

Robert Browns Website

History of Bovey Tracey

Bovey Heath

Guild of Devonshire Ringers

Devon Association

Newton Bushell Morris Men


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©Robert.D.S.Brown and Bovey Tracey Bellringers, 2000-2006

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